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Paramaribo: The Capital of Suriname

Paramaribo ist der Hauptstadt von Surinam and its largest city. Known for its multicultural atmosphere, historical architecture, and vibrant culture, Paramaribo serves as the political, economic, and cultural heart of Suriname.

Geographische Lage und Klima

Paramaribo is located on the northern coast of Suriname, along the Suriname River. The city has a tropisches Regenwaldklima with high temperatures and humidity year-round, and a rainy season from April to August and November to February.

Bevölkerung und Fläche

Paramaribo is a bustling metropolis with a diverse population. The Bevölkerung includes people from various ethnic backgrounds, including East Indian, Creole, Javanese, Chinese, and European, contributing to its cosmopolitan atmosphere.

Verwaltung und politische Struktur

Paramaribo is the administrative center of Suriname. It houses the offices of the President of Suriname, die Nationalversammlung und andere Regierungsinstitutionen. Die Stadt wird von einem gewählten Bürgermeister und Stadtrat.

Kultur und Religion

The population of Paramaribo is culturally rich, with a mix of religions including Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and traditional African beliefs. The city is home to several historic religious sites, cultural institutions, and annual festivals that celebrate Surinamese heritage.

Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur

Paramaribo’s economy is driven by Handel, Dienstleistungen, Tourismus, Und Industrie. The city has a well-developed infrastructure, including modern amenities, road networks, and the Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport.


Paramaribo was founded by the British in the early 17th century and later taken over by the Dutch. The city has a rich colonial history and has evolved into a key cultural and economic center in the Caribbean.

Table: Key Information about Paramaribo

BevölkerungCa. 250,000 (Schätzung 2023)
Bereich182 km²
Koordinaten5.8520° N, 55.2038° W
Höhe3 m
BürgermeisterUmar Farouk
BewohnerCa. 250,000 (Schätzung 2023)
ProvinzParamaribo District
ReligionHinduism, Christianity, Islam, Traditional African beliefs
GeschichteGegründet im early 17th century
WährungSurinamese dollar (SRD)


Paramaribo is a city with a rich cultural and historical heritage. As the heart of Suriname, it symbolizes the nation’s diversity and cultural vibrancy. For more information about Paramaribo and other capital cities, visit Capital-Cities.org.