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Baghdad: The Capital of Iraq

Bagdá é o capital de Iraque and its largest city. Known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and significant political importance, Baghdad serves as the political, economic, and cultural heart of Iraq.

Localização Geográfica e Clima

Baghdad is located in central Iraq, along the Tigris River. The city has a clima desértico quente com verões extremamente quentes e invernos amenos.

População e Área

Baghdad is a bustling metropolis with a diverse population. The população includes people from various regions of Iraq and other countries, contributing to its dynamic and vibrant atmosphere.

Administração e Estrutura Política

Baghdad is the administrative center of Iraq. It houses the offices of the President of Iraq, o Primeiro-Ministro, o Parlamento e outras instituições governamentais. A cidade é governada por um eleito prefeito e Câmara Municipal.

Cultura e Religião

The population of Baghdad is culturally rich, with a predominant Muslim community, alongside Christian, Yazidi, and other religious groups. The city is home to several historic mosques, churches, cultural institutions, and annual festivals that celebrate Iraqi heritage.

Economia e Infraestrutura

Baghdad’s economy is driven by comércio, Serviços, indústria, e atividades governamentais. The city has a developing infrastructure, including modern amenities, public transportation, and the Baghdad International Airport.


Baghdad was founded in the 8th century by the Abbasid caliph Al-Mansur and became a significant cultural and intellectual center of the Islamic world. The city has a long and storied history, enduring numerous periods of conquest and rebuilding.

Table: Key Information about Baghdad

PopulaçãoAproximadamente. 7,5 milhões (estimativa 2023)
Área673 km²
Coordenadas33.3152° N, 44.3661° E
Altitude34 m
prefeitoAlaa Maan
HabitantesAproximadamente. 7,5 milhões (estimativa 2023)
ProvínciaBaghdad Governorate
ReligiãoIslam, Christianity, Yazidism, others
LinguagemArabic, Kurdish
HistóriaFundado no 8th century
MoedaIraqi dinar (IQD)


Baghdad is a city with a rich cultural and historical heritage. As the heart of Iraq, it symbolizes the nation’s resilience and cultural vibrancy. For more information about Baghdad and other capital cities, visit capital-cidades.org.