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Luanda: The Capital of Angola

Luanda è il capitale Di L'Angola and its largest city. Known for its bustling port, rich history, and cultural significance, Luanda serves as the political, economic, and cultural heart of Angola.

Posizione geografica e clima

Luanda is located on the Atlantic coast in the northwestern part of Angola. The city has a clima tropicale della savana with a distinct wet season from October to April and a dry season from May to September.

Popolazione e area

Luanda is a rapidly growing metropolis with a diverse population. The popolazione includes people from various regions of Angola and other countries, contributing to its dynamic and vibrant atmosphere.

Amministrazione e struttura politica

Luanda is the administrative center of Angola. It houses the offices of the President of Angola, l'Assemblea nazionale e altre istituzioni governative. La città è governata dal Luanda Provincial Government e un governatore nominato.

Cultura e Religione

The population of Luanda is culturally rich, with a mix of various ethnic groups and religions. Major religions include Christianity, with a significant presence of Roman Catholics and Protestants, alongside traditional African religions. The city is home to several historic churches, cultural institutions, and annual festivals that celebrate Angolan heritage.

Economia e infrastrutture

Luanda’s economy is driven by olio e gas, commercio, costruzione, trasporto, E formazione scolastica. The city has a developing infrastructure, including modern amenities, public transportation, and the Quatro de Fevereiro International Airport.


Luanda has a long history, dating back to its founding in 1575 by Portuguese explorer Paulo Dias de Novais. It became the administrative center of Portuguese Angola and has been the capital of independent Angola since 1975. The city has undergone significant modernization and growth since independence.

Table: Key Information about Luanda

Popolazioneca. 2,8 milioni (stima 2023)
La zona113 km²
Coordinate8.8390° S, 13.2894° E
Altitudine6 m
GovernatoreAna Paula de Carvalho
Abitantica. 2,8 milioni (stima 2023)
ReligioneCristianesimo, religioni tradizionali africane
StoriaCapitale da allora 1975
ValutaAngolan kwanza (AOA)


Luanda is a city with a rich cultural and historical heritage. As the heart of Angola, it symbolizes the nation’s resilience and cultural vibrancy. For more information about Luanda and other capital cities, visit