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Hong Kong: The Special Administrative Region of China

Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China and one of the world’s leading financial centers. Known for its iconic skyline, vibrant culture, and significant economic role, Hong Kong serves as a major global hub.

Geographic Location and Climate

Hong Kong is located on the southern coast of China, bordered by the South China Sea and Guangdong Province. The region has a subtropical climate with hot, humid summers and mild winters.

Population and Area

Hong Kong is a densely populated metropolis with a diverse population. The population includes people from various regions of China and other countries, contributing to its cosmopolitan atmosphere.

Administration and Political Structure

Hong Kong operates under the “one country, two systems” framework, maintaining separate governing and economic systems from mainland China. It is governed by a Chief Executive and a Legislative Council.

Culture and Religion

The population of Hong Kong is culturally rich, with a blend of traditional Chinese and Western influences. Major religions include Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, and Islam. The city is known for its festivals, temples, and cultural institutions that celebrate its unique heritage.

Economy and Infrastructure

Hong Kong’s economy is driven by finance, commerce, services, and tourism. The region has a well-developed infrastructure, including modern amenities, an extensive public transportation system, and the Hong Kong International Airport.


Hong Kong was a British colony from 1842 until 1997, when it was handed over to China. Since then, it has operated as a Special Administrative Region, maintaining a high degree of autonomy.

Table: Key Information about Hong Kong

PopulationApprox. 7.5 million (estimate 2023)
Area1,106 km²
Coordinates22.3193° N, 114.1694° E
Altitude0-552 m
Chief ExecutiveJohn Lee
InhabitantsApprox. 7.5 million (estimate 2023)
ProvinceSpecial Administrative Region
ReligionBuddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam
LanguageCantonese, English
HistorySAR since 1997
CurrencyHong Kong dollar (HKD)


Hong Kong is a region with a rich cultural and historical heritage. As a major global financial center, it symbolizes the resilience and cultural vibrancy of its people. For more information about Hong Kong and other capital cities, visit